Meanwhile, back at the ranch... > Rules Discussion

Finger Groove grips

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Ethan, I had posted the question on the TG wire to get a ruling hopefully before you bought them. AM is quicker on the posting than I am, thank you.  The thread is pretty confusing but those grips would not be considered legal.

Uncle Ethan:
No I haven't purchased anything yet. I was looking at a set of grips, same color and material, without the finger grooves. I sent an email to the company that makes them. This was his reply.

 New message from: arizonacustomgrips Top Rated Seller(3,674Red Star)
Thank you for the inquiry.  We are making an attempt as we speak to contact SASS and will see what can be done.  I appreciate your bringing this to our attention.  If it happens, we will try to put something in the listing indicating that it is SASS permitted.

 Arizona Custom Grips
Makers of Quality Custom Grips for those demanding the Best!

Uncle Ethan:
Got another reply with an answer, I guess, about finger groove grips being legal. From what I am reading in his email, it's the "pre-worn" grips that are legal.
My question is how do you tell the difference?

Hi again,

I have been in contact with SASS and here is their reply:
The ROC ruled a few years ago that the Cimarron Uberti "Rooster Shooter" RS410 with factory finger-groove grips is LEGAL due to the "worn" grooves replicating JW's actual revolver.
Some of the aftermarket versions of the grips are NOT "pre-worn" and are considered "grip-enhancing" and ILLEGAL. 
Takeoffs from the Rooster Shooter would also be legal.
So, I have looked up pictures of the various "Rooster Shooter" grips sold by Cimarron.  They have switched suppliers several times, and have had a difficult time getting a good grip that would hold up from what I was told.  Our Magna-Tusk grips have fingergrooves about as deep as some of the other Cimarron grips.  I did see some Cimarron grips that had finger grooves shallower (as I said, they are pretty much all over the board).  Our finger grooves are "worn in" before the grips are aged.  So, bottom line is, you should have no problem with them whatsoever.  If you were worried about it, we could make a pair with more shallow grooves, but that would be up to you.  Let me know what you think.
 Arizona Custom Grips
Makers of Quality Custom Grips for those demanding the Best!

From the rules master himself, Pale Wolf. The answer is if they are not on the Rooster Shooter they will not be allowed. The rules used to read something like "no grip enhancing external modifications are allowed"

The quick response to your inquiry is NO...NOT RECOMMENDED...UNLESS someone wants to submit an FMC to the ROC (which is unlikely to be approved)
REF: post #12

To reiterate:
"The ONLY "finger-groove" grips that have been approved are those on the Uberti "Rooster Shooter".
NONE of the aftermarket versions have been found to be legal...
FWIW - NONE of the aftermarket manufacturers have ever applied for a ruling, either."

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~ PaleWolf Brunelle ~

Uncle Ethan:
thanks Tombstone.
I originally was looking at his non finger groove grips
Wasn't about to spend $150, on a set of grips without finding out if they were legal or not.
I can see why the rules committee would be reluctant to approve things like this. Could get out of hand in a hurry.


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